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French workers vow to step up pension protests

French workers vow to step up pension protests

French workers will step up their protests against pension reforms next week, a top trade union leader says.

Bernard Thibault, head of the CGT workers' confederation, made the statement as union leaders prepared to discuss plans to hold a seventh day of national protests across France.

Meanwhile rolling strikes are continuing against government plans to raise the pension age from 60 to 62.

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French workers vow to step up pension protests

French workers vow to step up pension protests

French workers will step up their protests against pension reforms next week, a top trade union leader says.

Bernard Thibault, head of the CGT workers' confederation, made the statement as union leaders prepared to discuss plans to hold a seventh day of national protests across France.

Meanwhile rolling strikes are continuing against government plans to raise the pension age from 60 to 62.

Continue reading the main story
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Not all fun on the French Riviera
In pictures: Marseille on strike
French strikers step up pressure
Blockades of refineries and fuel depots have led to fuel shortages.

Maiden's Tower: a.k.a. Leander's Tower

Maiden's Tower: a.k.a. Leander's Tower

Donec malesuada turpis a magna. Integer lacinia sapien a sapien. Ut molestie erat a nisl. Nulla hendrerit pharetra erat. Vestibulum augue massa, hendreritnec, sodales ac, pellentesque vitae, dui. Nulla ligula enim, hendrerit et, gravida a, gravida eget, lectus. Mauris nunc. In vehicula. Pellentesque velit. Praesent quis lacus. Nullam sed turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras aliquet. Phasellus mattis magna nec odio. Utnec metus et nulla luctus feugiat. Nullam pulvinar lobortis ligula. Morbi tellus risus, venenatis a, sollicitudin sed, elementum sed, arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum pellentesque auctor quam. Ut sagittis, augue id posuere tristique, lacus lorem venenatis leo, ut condimentum diam erat a velit.

Maiden's Tower: a.k.a. Leander's Tower

Maiden's Tower: a.k.a. Leander's Tower

Donec malesuada turpis a magna. Integer lacinia sapien a sapien. Ut molestie erat a nisl. Nulla hendrerit pharetra erat. Vestibulum augue massa, hendreritnec, sodales ac, pellentesque vitae, dui. Nulla ligula enim, hendrerit et, gravida a, gravida eget, lectus. Mauris nunc. In vehicula. Pellentesque velit. Praesent quis lacus. Nullam sed turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras aliquet. Phasellus mattis magna nec odio. Utnec metus et nulla luctus feugiat. Nullam pulvinar lobortis ligula. Morbi tellus risus, venenatis a, sollicitudin sed, elementum sed, arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum pellentesque auctor quam. Ut sagittis, augue id posuere tristique, lacus lorem venenatis leo, ut condimentum diam erat a velit.

Secret Heavens: H2G2 – Oceans: the sea floor

Maecenas magna ante, mollis ac, molestie nec, tempus ut, pede. Suspendisse vulputate volutpat felis. Sed lectus. Praesent ultrices. Sed in nisl id orci mattis tristique. Nullam dapibus quam a risus. Maecenas condimentum pretium tellus. Aenean tempus, augue vitae iaculis sollicitudin, ante nisi tempus quam, ac convallis mauris sapien at augue. Mauris ullamcorper dictum urna. In tincidunt rhoncus tellus. Proin eget metus. Etiam suscipit lectus et mauris. Nunc ultricies lacinia dolor. Quisque at nulla et eros luctus faucibus. Ut viverra porta sapien. Nulla non magna et augue bibendum scelerisque. Nulla diam ante, fringilla non, volutpat ac, porta non, lorem.

Secret Heavens: H2G2 – Oceans: the sea floor

Thinking big for little people

Thinking big for little people

Phasellus pretium quam ut neque. Quisque sem. Praesent mollis. Maecenas viverra, eros a dictum dapibus, eros ante elementum massa, quis elementum velit nibh sed enim. Integer sit amet tortor. Vestibulum convallis tincidunt elit. Morbi quis erat. Duis nec quam. Sed bibendum tristique velit. Mauris mi. Aenean nisi magna, ultricies sit amet, vehicula a, vestibulum quis, lacus. Aliquam sit amet diam. Phasellus quis magna ut massa viverra vehicula. Ut et nunc in turpis suscipit aliquet.

Movie Review: The last man on the earth

Nullam pede tellus, consequat ac, elementum vel, pretium eu, lorem. Donecaugue tortor, viverra id, placerat in, tincidunt ac, diam. Duis tristique ipsum in turpis. In euismod dolor eget mauris. Donec cursus lorem faucibus ligula. Mauris faucibus diam ac orci. Pellentesque pharetra, ante quis lacinia aliquam, diam augue feugiat nulla, non pulvinar orci eros ut tellus. Donecultricies. Nam sed risus in lectus adipiscing consequat. Donec quis tellus non erat convallis luctus.

Movie Review: The last man on the earth

Tagging along with Anatolian nomads

Nam velit. Sed tempor. Etiam condimentum egestas magna. Cras in elit. Aenean ultrices. Integer enim massa, congue commodo, iaculis vel, rutrum in, massa. Nunc vitae sapien. Nam ac ligula sit amet arcu adipiscing volutpat. Aliquam pellentesque dui eu nisl. Integer sagittis varius neque. Curabitur porttitor, mi a porta dapibus, metus tellus aliquet lacus, non auctor felis dolor at tortor.

Vivamus vehicula, mi in vulputate vulputate, magna mauris tincidunt urna, sit amet rhoncus nulla odio nec elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse dictum odio sed augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam fringilla vehicula ante. Suspendisse sit amet libero et arcu fringilla pellentesque. Nam felis. Integer orci eros, elementum non, imperdiet vel, imperdiet sit amet, enim. Nunc porttitor tortor eget neque. Pellentesque quam orci, tincidunt sed, dapibus ut, adipiscing sed, nisl. 

Tagging along with Anatolian nomads

'Fairy chimneys' of Cappadocia: Strange and beautiful

Suspendisse ut metus arcu, eget lobortis lectus. Aliquam vel ante libero, et adipiscing sapien. Nullam tristique risus vitae nunc sodales sed hendrerit lectus blandit. Donec eget tortor ullamcorper lorem auctor tincidunt. In vulputate aliquam blandit. Duis vitae odio tellus. Donec auctor convallis velit, eu posuere risus cursus a. Aenean pulvinar sodales tincidunt. Donec mauris neque, imperdiet vitae semper id, pharetra in augue. Nunc commodo nunc sed ante placerat congue. Nullam vitae placerat ante. Morbi et leo mauris. Nam justo sem, bibendum vitae porttitor eu, pretium adipiscing libero.

Aliquam erat elit, ultricies eu condimentum sed, facilisis in neque. Vestibulum bibendum erat nec urna porta tristique. Sed neque neque, condimentum nec malesuada non, bibendum vel risus. Nam ultricies metus orci. Vivamus erat massa, iaculis ut dapibus sed, pharetra eu magna. Aenean tristique felis et nisl sollicitudin dignissim. Praesent elementum turpis eu ipsum posuere feugiat. Vivamus porta sapien ut purus imperdiet eleifend. Quisque vestibulum viverra arcu, ut porta neque facilisis a. Morbi at odio leo. Quisque vel risus non tellus semper auctor. In dictum varius metus vel porta. Sed in arcu id felis pretium porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam id urna diam, vitae dictum arcu.

'Fairy chimneys' of Cappadocia: Strange and beautiful

Old Istanbul on the fringes of the Grand Bazaar

Old Istanbul on the fringes of the Grand Bazaar

Aliquam erat elit, ultricies eu condimentum sed, facilisis in neque. Vestibulum bibendum erat nec urna porta tristique. Sed neque neque, condimentum nec malesuada non, bibendum vel risus. Nam ultricies metus orci. Vivamus erat massa, iaculis ut dapibus sed, pharetra eu magna. Aenean tristique felis et nisl sollicitudin dignissim. Praesent elementum turpis eu ipsum posuere feugiat. Vivamus porta sapien ut purus imperdiet eleifend. Quisque vestibulum viverra arcu, ut porta neque facilisis a. Morbi at odio leo. Quisque vel risus non tellus semper auctor. In dictum varius metus vel porta. Sed in arcu id felis pretium porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam id urna diam, vitae dictum arcu.

Suspendisse blandit scelerisque augue, vel faucibus felis lacinia non. Etiam commodo tempor sem vestibulum aliquet. Aenean consectetur, lacus vitae elementum rhoncus, eros nisl placerat nibh, non auctor lorem libero id orci. Mauris adipiscing massa sit amet nibh venenatis condimentum. Quisque condimentum lorem nec augue bibendum consequat. Etiam vel quam ipsum. Quisque nec mollis eros. Vivamus viverra diam nec nisi egestas aliquam. Cras vulputate elit vel dui viverra pellentesque.

Maecenas vel arcu id libero ornare ullamcorper vitae sit amet massa. Nunc ligula mi, interdum eget adipiscing sed, pulvinar ac magna. Suspendisse tincidunt nulla eu justo accumsan eu porta velit feugiat. Donec vulputate, urna nec eleifend sollicitudin, orci velit tempor est, blandit viverra mi diam sed nisi. Nulla tristique vehicula libero nec imperdiet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torque.

Movie Review: Two Excellent Performances

Movie Review: Two Excellent Performances

Nulla lobortis, mauris eget iaculis feugiat, ligula ligula rutrum mi, ac sodales eros magna ac lorem. Ut tincidunt, mauris at aliquam eleifend, pede est suscipit mauris, non tristique nisl ligula a enim. Aenean dui lacus, tempor in, convallis vel, condimentum id, dolor. Curabitur elementum. Pellentesque lectus. Nullam semper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla nunc. Vestibulum hendrerit fermentum est. In pulvinar, diam sed imperdiet congue, ante nisl varius justo, sit amet malesuada mi nisi at est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Winter weather causes travel chaos in Europe

Winter weather causes travel chaos in Europe

Morbi orci nulla, imperdiet ac sodales pharetra, ultrices id quam. Quisque porta neque eu lectus volutpat a lacinia nulla faucibus. Praesent non augue ac sem porta aliquet. Ut gravida bibendum justo ut condimentum. Cras consectetur euismod massa eget mattis. Donec tincidunt ultricies fermentum. Proin fermentum odio in turpis rhoncus laoreet. Suspendisse ullamcorper turpis sed erat consectetur eu sagittis justo pulvinar. Curabitur ac nunc eget purus fermentum rutrum id vitae massa. Fusce metus nunc, consequat et ultricies non, eleifend eget tortor.

In ut lorem purus. Mauris cursus nunc at metus vulputate tristique. Mauris et lectus purus. Curabitur ut euismod nibh. In congue lacus vel augue convallis molestie. Aliquam nec orci non nibh consectetur lobortis. Vivamus venenatis porttitor tellus in tempor. Praesent vel velit lacus, vel commodo mauris. Pellentesque tristique ligula placerat nunc pretium rhoncus nec sit amet tellus. Pellentesque semper tristique ligula, at vestibulum justo venenatis non. Nullam ullamcorper facilisis lobortis. Vestibulum varius ipsum quis sem consequat molestie. Aenean ligula diam, dignissim quis feugiat in, mattis a orci.

Nunc posuere, lacus a suscipit posuere, tellus magna fringilla diam, a sollicitudin sapien augue eget odio. Quisque laoreet leo commodo tortor pellentesque ornare. Vestibulum porttitor est sit amet libero condimentum pharetra. Nunc quis libero tellus, eget consequat nisi. Quisque eleifend sagittis diam eu pharetra. Maecenas scelerisque, mauris quis lacinia imperdiet, erat urna blandit sapien, vel vestibulum lorem dolor eget eros. Donec in ipsum diam. Quisque turpis massa, pulvinar et accumsan molestie, suscipit ac risus. Morbi ut ante orci, sed semper erat. Phasellus dignissim quam et neque rutrum venenatis. Morbi et mauris sit amet arcu eleifend elementum. Aenean ac arcu nec leo interdum gravida. Morbi eu ultricies lectus.

Winter weather causes travel chaos in Europe

International Players Keep Rising to the Top in Major Tournaments

International Players Keep Rising to the Top in Major Tournaments

ST. ANDREWS, Scotland — The results of the last two major golf championships — a resounding seven-stroke victory by Louis Oosthuizen of South Africa at the British Open on Sunday and the United States Open win by Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland a month earlier at Pebble Beach — have had an effect well beyond the borders of their countries.

Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland won the U.S. Open this year, his first tour win.
They have reverberated in the United States. Last November, based on where the majors were scheduled to be played, 2010 had been expected to provide Tiger Woods with his best chance in a while to win two more major titles. Now with 14, Woods continues his quest to break Jack Nicklaus’s record of 18.

Instead, two somewhat obscure non-American golfers followed Phil Mickelson’s win at the Masters by taking down the best in the world on two of the biggest stages.

The unexpected results have put a spotlight on a trend in major championship golf that started in 2007 with Ángel Cabrera’s first United States Open win and Padraig Harrington’s first British Open victory. Since then, international players have won 9 of the 13 major championships, including three of the past four, dating to Y. E. Yang’s win over Woods in the 2009 P.G.A. Championship.

To grasp the significance of this international run, consider the dominance of American golfers since all four Grand Slam events resumed play in 1946 after a three-year interruption. From then until 1990, when Nick Faldo of England won the Masters and the British Open, and Wayne Grady of Australia won the P.G.A. Championship, Americans won 132 of the 180 major championships — 73 percent.

A five-year slump began in 1990, when golfers from the United States won just 7 of the 20 majors, including an unprecedented international sweep of the Grand Slam events in 1994. From then until 2007, international players had an average of one major victory a year.

Whether this latest resurgence by international golfers can endure until the 2016 Olympics is an open question, but it certainly comes at a good time for those who are working to build international interest in the sport in the prelude to golf’s return to the Games.

A look at the world rankings shows 7 American players in the top 20, 8 in the top 25 and 11 of the top 30. But top-ranked Woods is 34, No. 2-ranked Phil Mickelson is 40, No. 4-ranked Steve Stricker is 43 and No. 5-ranked Jim Furyk is 40. Of the 11 American golfers in the top 30, just three are in their 20s: Anthony Kim is 25, Dustin Johnson is 26 and Hunter Mahan is 28.

The two most promising young players in the world are international stars: Rory McIlroy, 21, of Northern Ireland, and Ryo Ishikawa, an 18-year-old Japanese marvel. Ishikawa, who tied for 23rd at the British Open, shot a round of 58 earlier this year to win on the Japan Tour, the same day McIlroy — who opened at St. Andrews with a record-tying 63 — shot 62 to win at Quail Hollow.

That brings us back to the 27-year-old Oosthuizen, who outshone McIlroy and Ishikawa at St. Andrews. He apparently has come of age after knocking around on the Sunshine Tour in South Africa and the European Tour. The question is, how could a little-known golfer with a lone win on the European Tour deliver such a thorough thrashing to a British Open field that was among the year’s best?

Peter Dawson, the chief executive of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, said he thought the victory by Oosthuizen was well earned.

“The margin of victory, his demeanor on the golf course, the quality of his game and the steady progress that he’s been making in the world rankings and in Tour events, I think, very much mark him as a player on the rise,” Dawson said, adding, “I, for one, would not be surprised to see him win again.”

Nor would most who saw him.

But how they perform from now on will determine whether McDowell and Oosthuizen are one-off’s or part of a deep and talented wave of international players.

Skateboarding Glides Into New Phase

Skateboarding Glides Into New Phase

GOLDENDALE, Wash. — Here in the high desert east of the Cascades, where towering windmills quietly whir overhead, skaters hurtle downhill along a ribbon of blacktop six at a time wearing helmets and motorcycle leathers, hay bales stacked along switchbacks for the inevitable wipeouts.

But in the garment district in Manhattan, it is a slightly tamer story. One day in the spring, Todd Brunengraber stepped from his office on West 39th Street. Hearing a distinct hum from newly repaved Seventh Avenue, he turned and watched a commuter on a supersize skateboard whiz by.

The board was similar to the type he built in woodshop while growing up, but with big, candy-colored wheels. Soon, Brunengraber, a 62-year-old grandfather who had not set foot on a board in more than 25 years, spent $50 for a lesson and joined a growing legion of longboarders.

This summer, he has been pushing to and from Penn Station, and each night after work cruising a hill on his Bay Shore, N.Y., street.

“It’s a rush to get on it,” he said.

Whether on a hair-raising rural road in the Pacific Northwest or in teeming Midtown traffic, longboards have become the fastest-growing segment in an otherwise sluggish skateboard market. In recent years, they have lured new participants to a pastime traditionally dominated by teenage boys and young men performing perilous stunts.

“There’s a real neo-hippie, everybody-welcome kind of vibe to longboarding,” said Adam Goldstein, 43, who skates with his 10-year-old son around Manhattan.

Goldstein, who directs commercials, says he takes a longboard to commute while working in Los Angeles or Toronto. “You can just go anywhere,” he said.

With decks usually 34 inches or longer; trucks (axles) adapted for easier turning; and big, soft wheels, longboards provide a smoother skating experience than boards designed for performing tricks. Their size and stability make longboards well suited for cruising streets and college campuses. The price of a good longboard starts at about $150.

“There’s no stigma,” said Larry Peterson, who made 2,500 boards in a dairy barn in Salem, Ore., last year under the brand Longboard Larry. “It’s one of the sports where someone who’s 40 can go skate with someone who’s 13 and nobody thinks it’s weird.”

With an inclusive, do-it-yourself ethic, longboarding has grown as a grass-roots movement mostly outside the established skateboard industry and spread from Southern California to places like Brooklyn and Bend, Ore.

Begun in a San Diego backyard in 1993 by a group of surfers, the longboard maker Sector 9 has led the way. In 2008, the surf apparel maker Billabong bought Sector 9. Sector 9 is part of an increasingly crowded market that 10 years ago was not much more than a scattered collection of small entrepreneurs.

While working at a skate shop in the 1990s, Brian Petrie began making longboards from broken snowboards out of his Brooklyn apartment. The result: Earthwing Skateboards. In 2002 a group of friends in Hagerstown, Md., began building longboards for themselves. By 2004, they moved to New York and settled in Brooklyn as Bustin Boards.

Zak Maytum, 19, a champion downhill and slalom skater on his longboard, began a business making wheels and bushings from his parents’ garage in Boulder, Colo., three years ago. Today, his company, Venom, employs two salespeople. “Every year is bigger than the last year,” he said.

A former professional street skater, Marcus Bandy is the team manager for Orangatang, a wheel company in Los Angeles that is popular with longboarders.

“It’s really all new,” Bandy, 37, said about the longboard culture. “It’s like when punk rock or hip-hop first came out. It’s a whole new thing, and the kids are loving it.”

He added: “People are always going to create their own stuff and that’s what’s happening here. These guys are creating skateboarding and reinventing skateboarding.”